The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: prophecy

accidental augury

11 April 2003, around 11.06.

Two birds, perfectly white, pink-beaked, dark-eyed, pigeons, settled on the ledge outside my window, billing and cooing as birds will in spring. Startled, I stood hunched, half-risen from my seat at the desk, the pages of a book leafing shut; over the point where their shoulders would be my movement caught their eyes, and they […]


10 March 2004, around 8.07.

Among the Romanes a Poet was called Vates, which is as much as a diviner, foreseer, or Prophet, as by his conjoyned words Vaticinium, and Vaticinari, is manifest, so heavenly a title did that excellent people bestowe uppon this hart-ravishing knowledge, and so farre were they carried into the admiration thereof, that they thought in […]

Citation (76)

6 January 2024, around 4.43.

Jung on bombast and Hegel.

Adversaria (16)

31 July 2024, around 4.21.

‘Divination had been practised for centuries. Everyone knew that one thing rather than another was to happen to him. He might not be very rational about it’ —George Boas (introduction to The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo, p. 13) ‘Although every written work is a monologue, the philosophical work is always implicitly a dialogue. The dimension of […]

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