The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: rain


29 August 2002, around 20.23.

VW, rain, Dresden

apropos of nothing

10 June 2003, around 8.45.

Small rain.


1 June 2006, around 12.24.

about the weather and teaching English as a Foreign (or second) language

A view (18)

8 June 2006, around 10.27.

watching the rain.

A view (40)

8 January 2014, around 16.37.

It rained most of the day.

pleasant & agreeable

9 January 2014, around 12.00.

It’s dreary out. He is a learned man, and has a power of college-books by heart: his greatest fault is, that he incessantly quotes passages from them in conversation, which is not agreeable to everybody. —Alain-Renée Lesage (Gil Blas, vol. 1, p. 149 (II.ix))1 Years ago my mother used to say to me, she’d say, […]


12 January 2014, around 15.11.

A down-graded storm. There are of course other things I should be doing, even other things I should be reading, but just at the moment detective stories seem to be what I want. They are amusing and plotty and charmingly shamefaced. There’s not a one that takes itself too seriously, not one that claims it […]

A view (42)

27 June 2014, around 18.35.

barrier to entry

31 August 2014, around 14.48.

Reading at the window, December 2013. There were too many things to do this summer, each day crowded with too of the little nothings that are so necessary if anything is going to happen. Now, though, projects are winding down, and there’s nothing to do but bustle about and procrastinate on those last few things […]


27 November 2014, around 15.30.

Evidence of a brief excursion outdoors. There’s a fire in the fireplace. There are books on the table. It’s misting outside in the true Oregon manner.


3 March 2015, around 10.45.

a rainy day in the past

A view (45)

8 December 2015, around 16.44.

evening, Portland.


24 April 2021, around 21.22.

Near the end of the road.

in waves

4 November 2022, around 16.03.

Walked out in the downpour to pick up holds from the library – a biography of Walter Benjamin and Black Jacobins by C. L. R. James, neither of which I am likely to read at the moment but which did, however, give me a destination. Mostly I wanted to be out walking in the rain […]

it pours

17 February 2023, around 6.38.

It is a sure sign of a little mind to be doing one thing, and at the same time to be either thinking of another, or not thinking at all. One should always think of that one is about; when one is learning one should not think of play; and when one is at play, […]


19 March 2023, around 17.30.

an evening turn snow’s phthisis and rain opens a window to spring

a common place

28 February 2024, around 17.25.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
