The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: raymond chandler

Citation (29)

24 March 2005, around 18.47.

Philip Marlowe faces the day…

sob stories

5 February 2015, around 9.31.

Action Comics #1, 1938 Anna Halsey was about two hundred and forty pounds of middle-aged putty-faced woman in a black tailor-made suit. Her eyes were shiny black shoe buttons, her cheeks were as soft as suet and about the same color. She was sitting behind a black glass desk that looked like Napoleon’s tomb and […]


9 January 2022, around 12.08.

‘There are, first of all, people who have homes without offices: these are, paradoxically, either the very rich or the very poor.’ —Fredric Jameson, Raymond Chandler: The Detections of Totality

Citation (68)

17 January 2022, around 7.05.

the mystery of the past.

nihil differamus

26 December 2022, around 14.55.

Id quoque, quod tenetur, per manus exit et ipsam, quam premimus, horam casus incidit, volvitur tempus rata quidem lege, sed per obscurum; quid autem ad me, an naturae certum sit quod mihi incertum est? —Seneca (Epistulae Morales, 101.5)1 In the past, I haven’t been particularly strong on reading rules and systems for my yearly reading; […]

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