The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: rebecca west

Citation (47)

20 September 2012, around 21.30.

on architecture, art, busts, and weight…


24 November 2014, around 12.00.

Neither this nor any of the mines we own in Yugoslavia is being worked for the first time. First the Greeks worked them, and then the Romans; then in the Middle Ages the Serbs brought in the Saxons to work them. Then under the Turks the work stopped, stopped dead, for five centuries, until we […]

the long road

19 January 2015, around 7.56.

Robert Adam, Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia (1764) From time to time out of the text there emerged little black figures which postured on the white paper beside it, achieved a group which was magical, an incantation to death, and ran back again into the text, which carried […]


30 November 2018, around 14.39.

These are stories of desolation. Sometimes they are a voyage towards, and sometimes they are an attempt to escape from. No matter. The traveller ventures to modern ghost towns, ancients ruins, or the wreckage of their own lives, and never really finds any answers – because there are none, not to the questions worth asking. […]


17 December 2020, around 6.23.

A glimpse of the season’s first snowfall, through the window, at night. The first snow of the season (or the first snow I was awake to see falling) reminded me of something that I’ve been meaning to do. I am trying to read more patiently – not necessarily more attentively or carefully, but more patiently, or […]

playing favorites

29 December 2020, around 5.01.

The other evening I was annoying myself by trying to think up answers to the question ‘what is your favorite book?’ It’s a silly question, because books are good for so many different things – one (generally) wants different things from a cookbook and a poetry chapbook; and it’s a different question from ‘what do you […]

moonlit folly

14 February 2021, around 5.38.

Rebecca West, apostate of romantic love.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
