The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: rhetoric


15 January 2003, around 9.54.

Spent the morning reading articles on Cicero’s De Oratore, all of which seem to say exactly the same thing: it’s too long by far, and not philosophical enough; in fact, it’s just plain too rhetorical. Which is, apparently, unexpected in a rhetorical treatise. Fun stuff, though, and only two were in German. Afternoon reading What […]

Montaigne 1.10

20 March 2015, around 11.07.

As we advise ladies to take up those games and bodily exercises which will show off their particular beauty to the best advantage, so I would give the same advice with regard to those advantages in eloquence (33) […] I know by experience that natural disposition which is impatience of earnest and laborious premeditation, and […]

Citation (76)

6 January 2024, around 4.43.

Jung on bombast and Hegel.


23 August 2024, around 18.23.

It is most surprising that men have believed they could make rules take the place of such a talent. It is almost as if they wanted to reduce genius to precepts. —Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (Preliminary Discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot, trans. Richard N. Schwab, p. 34)

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