The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: rousseau


26 May 2016, around 18.29.

Rousseau on ubiquitous reading.

small talk

3 March 2017, around 18.25.

Rousseau casts aspersions on crochet.

Citation (57)

5 March 2017, around 6.14.

reading at the dinner table…


6 March 2017, around 5.19.

Notes on reading Judith Butler as a tonic to Rousseau.

so to speak

12 August 2020, around 6.43.

A scene from Rousseau’s Confessions1 We were walking away from the bookstore, where we had just purchased a second copy (with a nicer cover) of Nabokov’s translation of and commentary on Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, and to pass the time before dinner we talked about Pushkin’s short stories. PF mentioned that Pushkin was noted for his […]

a singular philosophy

13 November 2020, around 7.00.

The view from the ridge, circa late summer 2017. The path that I like to walk (and have for some years) is the beginning of a nine-mile trail that goes up to a Forest Service lookout (which I have not yet reached, and probably never will, by that route). The trail climbs a series of […]

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