The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: sadness

Adversaria (8)

30 November 2023, around 4.16.

‘And yet it’s autumn now, as clear as water and as bright as a mirror, and I should be happy’ —Eileen Chang (‘On the Second Edition of Romances’, Written on Water, trans. Andrew F. Jones, p. 218) ‘Every reader is cumbered by an excess of books, and every book by an excess of readers—each overwhelmed […]

loose leash

7 February 2025, around 14.26.

My mind wanders from the moment, chasing down fragments and details, irrelevant to action, much as the dog likes to pause and sniff each frond and spore of the sword ferns that line the forest path. The vet at emergency services explains, in great detail that really contains no detail, the nature of the dog’s […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
