The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: susan howe

against the grain

15 October 2017, around 15.59.

One doesn’t quite know what to expect from In the American Grain – not if one comes to it expecting anything at all, because it upsets those expectations from the first page. I was expecting something about Emily Dickinson, because the only reason I picked up the book was because it was mentioned in Susan […]


19 January 2018, around 6.34.

A portion of Thomas Cole’s ‘The Oxbow’ (1836) This was supposed to be about Emily Dickinson and Susan Howe and how, as a reader, one reimagines poets, emblazoning them on banners for battles they could have had no part in, the moment for those contentions being – then – not yet at hand. The points […]

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