The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: teaching


16 February 2004, around 12.05.

‘I mean, Thessaly wasn’t precisely on the cutting edge of epigraphy…’ said the student. ‘To coin a phrase…’ replied the teacher.

teacher’s house

30 April 2009, around 0.17.

remarks on teaching

11 April 2013, around 10.40.

Students in the English club. After five years of teaching and team-teaching and teacher-training and observing lessons, I look at this picture and still cringe that one of the students is texting. It’s a club, sure, but do me the favor of paying attention.1 Students paying attention isn’t the point of English classes or clubs, […]

from that other place

17 January 2014, around 20.58.

If one grows up in Oregon, one hears a lot about William Stafford. Always being the sort of person to avoid what other people are talking about (with no regard for its merit or interest), I never read any of his work until just a few months ago – and I expected to sneer even […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
