The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: thomas malthus

natural selections

9 April 2006, around 18.02.

Thomas Malthus waxes sentimental


10 July 2021, around 5.45.

‘The superiority of intellectual to sensual pleasures consists rather in their filling up more time, in their having a larger range, and in their being less liable to satiety, than in their being more real and essential.’ —Malthus, in the midst of being cranky about Godwin


11 July 2021, around 13.23.

‘The moment we allow ourselves to ask why some things are not otherwise, instead of endeavouring to account for them as they are, we shall never know where to stop; we shall be led into the grossest, and most childish absurdities’ —Malthus, ray of sunshine ‘Leisure is, without a doubt, highly valuable to man; but […]


7 June 2024, around 7.30.

August Sander, Farmer (ca. 1925) Let us say that what separates the great book from the merely good (or interesting) is that a great book, however it innovates, whatever its oddities, will teach the reader how it is to be read.1 Grundrisse is not, then, a great book, but it is still in an interesting […]

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