The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: trees


30 January 2014, around 7.00.

J. Drayton, ‘Pine Forest, Ore.’1 Just something I found one day – a pebble as it were, to generate ripples of thought. Later (March 2022): After checking the original of Wilkes’s Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition (vol. 5), it appears the original sketch was by Drayton; the caption has been updated accordingly. [↩]


2 November 2019, around 13.08.

…he who does not grasp that life is repetition and that this is the beauty of life, has condemned himself and deserves nothing better than what will happen to him – death. Hope is an enticing fruit that fails to satisfy, recollection sorrowful sustenance that fails to satisfy. But repetition is the daily bread that […]

A view (49)

31 March 2020, around 18.51.

ennui and falling.

A view (50)

20 April 2020, around 8.32.

poems, trees, mornings.

A view (51)

26 November 2020, around 9.46.

Autumn afternoon, Zigzag.


1 December 2021, around 8.44.

Looking up on the morning walk.

the same river

4 December 2023, around 16.04.

When we write a letter, we experience a strange space. To the friends and spouses we use the most informal language with, we suddenly become very formal. I wonder if the poem’s speaker also lives in such a space, a space that is of our daily lives and yet is separate or different from it […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
