The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: virtue

03.03.02 – Sunday

3 March 2002, around 21.11.

This a juxtaposition of three quotations about pride and anger and suffering.

pseudaphoristica (8)

4 March 2004, around 15.05.


Directions to Servants

1 April 2004, around 19.01.

lessons for masters

literary virtues

9 December 2007, around 0.58.

I ordered the book from the library after reading a quotation from it somewhere on the internet. I don’t remember my source, which is probably just as well; I had also heard the author mentioned favorably, and thought I might as well take a look. The book arrived and, as usual, I judged it by […]


25 November 2016, around 13.05.

This a juxtaposition of three quotations about writing, practicality, and danger from Margaret Cavendish, Hegel, and Simone Weil.


11 August 2024, around 20.40.

Night is fair virtue’s immemorial friend; The conscious moon, through every distant age, Has held a lamp to wisdom, and let fall, On contemplation’s eye, her purging ray. (V.177–180) * * * Were moon, and stars, for villains only made? To guide, yet screen them, with tenebrious light? (IX.964f.) —Edward Young (Night Thoughts)1)Consistency, hobgoblins, etc. [↩]

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