The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: war

The Histories of Books

29 October 2002, around 17.10.

To write the much-lamented Cicero essay, I happened to check two small pamphlets out of the library, both Teubner editions of short works by Sallust (or an anonymous author in the style of Sallust). Both had been edited by A. Kurfess (who also edited the Teubner edition of Sallust’s other works [1956]) and had belonged […]

Citation (6)

2 February 2003, around 9.17.

Anna Comnena on the character of a good leader…


19 March 2004, around 16.08.

Idem classi praefectus circumvehens Peloponnesum, Laconicen populatus, classem eorum fugavit, Corcyram sub imperium Atheniensum redegit sociosque idem adiunxit Epirotas, Athamanas, Chaonas omnesque eas gentes, quae mare illud adiacent. quo facto Lacedaemonii de diutina contentione destiterunt et sua sponte Atheniensibus imperii maritimi principatum concesserunt, pacemque iis legibus constituerunt, ut Athenienses mari duces essent. quae victoria tantae […]


7 April 2004, around 13.25.

On quires and choirs.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
