The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: women


21 June 2001, around 12.31.

22.02.02 – Friday

22 February 2002, around 7.41.

One would not hesitate to call her pretty; I wouldn’t, at any rate. Neither would one doubt that she was what some might describe as ‘a woman of opinion’ much as one might say that Bertie Wooster’s Aunt Agatha, in the Wodehouse stories, is ‘a woman of opinion.’ It should come as little surprise, then, […]

It was the Distance

28 October 2002, around 17.09.

For no good reason1 I’ve been reading The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson (ed. W. Martin, CUP: 2002). It is somewhat refreshing to find books which do not concern Cicero. And it is interesting to step outside the charmed circle of academics and then to peer back in, as though through windows. For one can […]

Treasons and Strategems

2 June 2003, around 8.03.

Towards evening the women harp on the state of Sarah’s roses and the inevitable road works and the delays which make their schedules rather more hectic than less. The details are lost amid the uneven songs of the pigeons, the beat of wings and scrape of claw on slate. The women loiter in front of […]

‘could it be J— H— herself?’

9 September 2003, around 13.27.

Jane Ellen Harrison, 1850–1928 Independent lecturer in London, later a fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge, Jane Harrison was author of (among other things): Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Relgion (1903) and Themis: a Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion (1912). She is also one of the few women mentioned in the who’s […]

a well lerned gentylwoman

29 October 2003, around 11.09.

Margaret More Roper (Holbein, ca. 1535, Met.) Erasmus wrote many epistels to her, and dedicated his commentaries on certaine hymnes of Prudentius to this gentlewomen, and calleth her the flower of all learned matrones of England. Nor was she meanlie learned. She compounded in Greeke and latyn both verse and prose, and that most eloquentlie. […]

Crambe repetita (6)

16 March 2004, around 8.08.

Collins, The Woman in White.

A Sudden Liberating Thought

23 March 2004, around 19.09.

with no sudden crisis of conscience

The Victim of Prejudice

24 March 2004, around 19.07.

or, the difficulties of being desired

An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting

12 June 2004, around 18.54.

household exercises

family albums

28 January 2006, around 14.03.

cricket, criticism, & Clytaemnestra

the second

5 February 2006, around 3.11.

the second

the fifth

5 March 2006, around 3.01.

Unnamed woman, 1886

the seventh

10 June 2006, around 12.15.

Unnamed woman, ca. 1885

Montaigne 1.10

20 March 2015, around 11.07.

As we advise ladies to take up those games and bodily exercises which will show off their particular beauty to the best advantage, so I would give the same advice with regard to those advantages in eloquence (33) […] I know by experience that natural disposition which is impatience of earnest and laborious premeditation, and […]


29 March 2016, around 11.30.

It cost too much, to begin with. I really had no excuse for buying it, except that I was feeling out of sorts and aphoristic philosophy seemed like a good choice at the time; it seemed to be a clean copy, too, which would go a little way to excusing the price. At home, however, […]


30 November 2018, around 14.39.

These are stories of desolation. Sometimes they are a voyage towards, and sometimes they are an attempt to escape from. No matter. The traveller ventures to modern ghost towns, ancients ruins, or the wreckage of their own lives, and never really finds any answers – because there are none, not to the questions worth asking. […]

to the swift

31 August 2021, around 5.49.

This is a quotation from a writing manual about the tangled skein of thought, buttressed by two images of winding yarn.


7 February 2024, around 10.19.

Drawing of the Apulian shepherd, Claude Lorrain (ca. 1657) There are no public institutions for the education of women, and there is accordingly nothing useless, absurd, or fantastical, in the common course of their education. They are taught what their parents or guardians judge it necessary or useful for them to learn, and they are […]

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